06 April 2007
In diesem Ordner auf einer Backup-DVD befinden sich Daten aus dem Zeitraum 1998 bis 1999. Einige Auktionslisten habe ich gefunden, damit will ich aber keinen mehr nerven, und die Ref-Liste (quasi eine Liste analog zum Bewertungs-Forum bei eBay) meiner treuen Kunden von vor zehn Jahren.
Dann ist da eine eMail-Historie mit "Telecult", bei denen ich die Displaykosten für Tempest anfragte - vermutlich hatte ich da Ärger, denn sonst hätte ich das nie in Textform abgespeichert. Dann gibt es noch Decklisten - nicht so interessant - und Kartenideen (z.B. Copy Enchantment.txt). Aber einiges, was ich darin fand ist vielleicht auch heute noch interessant, ich habe mal zwei Beispiele für die "best of" Postings aus den Newsgroups 1998 rausgegriffen...
Anagrams in Magic
The Day the Atog dies...
Anagrams in Magic
From pdragon@tiac.net Wed Jan 07 06:04:46 1998
Newsgroups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc
Subject: Re: satanism
From: pdragon@tiac.net (Chuck Seggelin)
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 00:04:46 -0500
In article <01bd1b35$bc6fc4a0$51074ac1@bart->, "BART"
<BartVanDeSteene@ping.be> wrote:
> Is it true 'Magic the gathering' spelled backwards reads 'Game of the devil
> and all his worshippers' or is it just Gnirehtag eth cigam'.
Well of course not, but it's still EVIL!!! Didn't you know that "The nigh
tragic game" is an anagram of Magic the Gathering? Other anagrams are:
cheating right game
magnetic thigh gear
michigan egg threat (watch out, you folks in Lansing!)
heretic gaging math
eighth tragic mange
aging thatch regime
And don't forget "Wizards of the Coast":
farthest zodiac sow (what's that, there is no "sign of the pig"?)
ersatz catfish wood (I have no idea what it is, but it sounds bad)
fascist oozed wrath
crazed sawfish toot (AKA insane fish fart)
wizard chests afoot
throws zodiac feast (a dark feast!!)
How about some of the famous decks?
Fruity Pebbles putrefy bibles
Or some of the famous cards?
Atog goat (beware the cloven-footed one!)
Winter Orb brown rite (like a black rite, but not as bad)
Merfolk of the Pearl
Trident hellfire-tormented pork fat
Crimson Manticore narcotic misnomer
Wrath of God hot frog wad (eyeewww!)
Prodigal Sorceror parlor cord orgies
So beware BEWARE or you may end up facing the hot frog wad, uh, I mean
wrath of God!
-- Chuck
--------------------------------------- http://www.tiac.net/users/pdragon
| Chuck Seggelin Keep a green tree NO SOLICITING |
| Fitchburg, MA in your heart and (*)< - ! |
| perhaps the singing //)| |
| bird will come. ///_/ PDragon@tiac.net |
The Day the Atog died...
From jshuler@osf1.gmu.edu Wed Feb 11 08:58:39 1998
Newsgroups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc
Subject: [Repost] The Day the Atog Died
From: jshuler@osf1.gmu.edu (John M Shuler)
Date: 11 Feb 1998 07:58:39 GMT
I don't know why, but I just got an urge to repost
this. It's from back in the day, and if you were on
the newsgrwoup in '95, you'll remember stuff like the
Free Cars thread, and this gem:
The Day the Atog Died, or, Fourth Edition Lament
by John Downey
(sung to the tune of "American Pie," by Don MacLean)
Long, long time ago,
I can still remember how that Atog used to make me smile.
And I knew if it had it's chance,
I could enchant it with a Lance,
and folks would be a bit scared for a while.
But Duelist #5 had made me shiver,
with every card no more delivered.
Real bad news in my mind,
I couldn't have one more Earthbind.
I can't remember if I bawled when I read about the Living Wall,
But something touched me deep in side, the day the Atog died.
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy...
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
Do you recall the days gone by
When Revised were all you could buy
The folks at WotC told you so...
Oh, can you trade me a Shatterstorm?
It'll help the deck I want to form
And can you help me trade a Craw Wurm?
Oh, you know I want to trade with you
'Cause I saw your Scrubland and Bayou
We all went to the shows
Man, I dig Contract from Belows!
I was a sharp-eyed teenage trading hack
With a mint Rock Hydra and Kird Ape stack
But I knew I'd no longer lead the pack
The day the Atog died.
And they were saying...
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy...
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
Suddenly we were on our own
No Kird Apes just made us moan
No more Nettling Imps to see
They hadn't taken the Sorceress Queen
(to do that would have been really mean)
but the Fork; that just hurts you and me
And while my eyes were looking 'round
They changed Fog's card text around
New rulings began to show,
Question began to flow!
And while users read a FAQ on Mox
I sat and practiced with new docs
and we said, "Jeeze, this really sucks"
The day the Atog died.
And they were yelling...
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy...
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
It's gone to soon, Wheel of Fortune
Bodyguards made me start to swoon
Fifty cards gone and rising faaaaaaaaast!
Doppelganger was out the door
What's in its place? A Durkwood Boar.
With no Sol Rings in the hobby shops anymore.
At Type II's I was rudely told
The Clone I had was really old
Can't play my Jandor's Ring
Regrowth had lost it's sting!
When I tapped my land to pay the cost
The judge looked like an early frost
Do you recall that all was lost
The day the Atog died
Theyre really shouting...
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy..
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
For two years we had Atogs in our face
WotC decided to step up the pace
With promises not to print again
And so came the church fanatics, dull and thick,
They said the cards we're ill and sick,
'Cause "Card games are the Devil's nasty friends."
It gave WotC a nasty start
Unholy Strength has altered art,
No Hordes summoned from hell
They won't reprint that spell!
While their sales climbed high, just outta sight,
WotC just substituted Blight
Kissing up to the religious right
The day the Atog died.
Theyre just screaming...
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy...
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
I met a man who had the blues,
That's where I heard the awful news,
The Fourth Release made cards worth gold.
I ran down to the hobby store,
Where I'd bought a Fastbond days before,
But the man there said his Revised were all sold,
And in the streets I ran and screamed,
Cried for the decks of which I had dreamed,
And then a curse was spoken,
"WotC, what are you smoking?"
And the one card I admired most,
Demonic Tutor was a ghost,
Pulled by Wizards of the Coast,
the day the Atog died.
And they were sayin
So, bye, bye, said the Duelist and Scrye,
To those dual lands and Juggernauts which made us all sigh,
Those WotC boys were all proclaiming on high, chanting,
"Fourth Edition cards you will buy...
Fourth Edition cards you will buy."
John M. Shuler jshuler at gmu.edu
>Mike Long took Pete's deck and exclaimed that he had no clue how it
That's probably because Mike can't read anyone else's marked cards.
The unmarked foreign Hypnos probably threw Pete off during the